Zombie Ant Fungus

Art 5-26-15 (19)

There is a bizarre fungus that turns carpenter ants into zombies and gets them to die in a place that’s perfect for the fungus to grow and reproduce.  These sketchbook drawings are of several ants who fell victim to this very specialized fungus.

Markers in Canson Earthbound toned sketchbook.

For more info on this fungus, it’s lifecycle and the effects it has on ants:  http://www.livescience.com/5631-zombie-ants-controlled-fungus.html

More Sketchbook Fun with 3 Dancing Zombie Chicks, 1 Freak, a Naked Twerker and 1 Tiny Beetle

Some sketchbook fun to lighten the day! I draw a lot of silly figures in my sketchbooks and  call them Lilliputians because most of them are tiny-people thumbnail sketches.  All of this silliness is purely for my own simple amusement.

Don’t Judge Me!

Bro has been Zombified!

Bro Zombified

Oddly, Bro here is a proud zombie.  He doesn’t care what you whisper about his sickly green complexion or if you gasp at the way he eats  brains like a slice of pizza.  He’s never conformed to any expectations, and he’s not about to start now.

Zombie Boy Plays Host to Carrion Beetle

Brandon Jombified 2015

Brandon’s been Zombified!!                                                                                                                                                         This is Brandon, he’s had a rough couple of days. But at least he has company, a busy little carrion beetle preparing to lay her eggs into his rotting flesh.  Did I just hear, “Eeeew, gross!”?

It’s all Fun and Games Until He Eats Your Brains!

Mike and Nicole zombifiedMike and Nicole

Another unsuspecting friend has been zombified! She hasn’t quite turned yet, but HE is downright rotten!  Rotten enough to have a carrion beetle enjoying the spoils.

drawn and painted digitally with Sketchbook Pro from photo

Zombie Friends

Tim and Ronda Zombified final1

A lovely couple of friends who I zombified over the weekend.  Hope they like it.

As if zombie drawing weren’t enjoyable enough, zombifying a couple of friends was a blast. Imagining their zombified skin color, facial expressions and wounds is sometimes challenging especially while trying to keep the likeness of the person, but this one went great.  Time to ” turn” another unsuspecting friend. Muaha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Have a Zombie Happy Day

Happy Day

Just funin’ around with another zombie. This guy needs a name, any suggestions?   He’s really a sweet dead guy, thinking just enough to wish everyone a happy day. (I know, zombies don’t think, it was really me doing the thinkin’ part.  He just posed long enough for the drawing,


New Z

Yup, another zombie.  While creating this creature I was consciously imagining his story.  Crazy thing, but it got me feeling for this poor sad-sap.  Not the usual googlie-eyed, silly zombie that I usually draw for my own amusement.  Sad-Sap here is a newbie, only recently turned, confused and pained….

I imagined that his skin colors would gradually change from, well, fresh and alive to pale and peaked, lifeless. His eyes would start to dry and maybe shrivel-up. And eventually, only decay.  I waited a few days to post, but he still does not amuse me.  I guess he never will.


What’s better than a zombie creep?. . . . . a screaming zombie creep.  I imagine his scream is, well, a sort of typical zombie scream.  But his starts low and grumbly only to intensify at the ending into an almost electric shrill. Can ya hear it?  He’s also got an awful twitch – characteristic of most zombies.  Think he needs a name.